Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Sofia gives the best hugs; Molly's expression doesn't necessarily support my statement.

Sweeter than chocolate...

I had the best day with Sofia yesterday. It was one of those magical days where she ate well, took her nap on time, was happy and laughing upon waking from her nap, had fun with her friend Evan, played well at the gym and then fell asleep promptly after reading two stories. She slept until 7am. Now, if only I had gone to bed earlier than midnight…when will I learn?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Max and Sofia

I scheduled a facial and asked Dan if he would watch Sofia, I was so excited when he happily agreed. So, let me break it down, Dan and Max watched Sofia, and Max and Sofia watched TV.
Oh don't worry, I'm sure it was educational. lol.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


As I laid Sofia down for sleep tonight I was struck with that familiar feeling, the one that pulls at my heart and causes tears to fill my eyes and roll down my cheeks. It’s the heart-whole feeling of unconditional love that causes me to feel complete anguish over the persistent threat of Time. I have taken it for granted again and this is Times way of rearing its persistent, ugly head and in one fell swoop taking little Sofia and forcing her into toddlerhood.

How did it happen? How did she get so big? How did she grow so quickly…just yesterday she was the size of a raspberry and now she is nearing 32” long. She signs and talks, she will get books off her shelf for me to read, she places her diapers in the diaper pail, she opens and closes anything with a lid or hinge, she stuffs empty bags full of random objects (like when I found one of her shoes in my insulated lunch bag), she holds my hand, she runs, she gets undressed (partially), she completes my sentences (stay with me here):
Brandie: “where is…”
Sofia: “….Dada?”
Brandie: “Do you want…”
Sofia: “…Dada?”

She is quite simply…amazing.