It seems every time I read, “what’s happening now” in my week to week guide to pregnancy, I usually identify with one or two of the ailments. This week, while my wrists are not sore, and I’m still sleeping well, I have been losing my balance and my “bump” seems to be further out than I’ve become accustom. I can no longer “squeeze” out of my car if parked next to someone – even if both cars are between the lines (damn LA and all those compact car parking spaces) and if I am sitting and attempt to pull my chair up to the table, I find that my "bump" keeps me a good distance away. With each bite I take, I feel that I will inevitably drop food on my belly or in my lap. The veins popping out on my right leg are beyond hideous, to the point where I’m seriously considering surgery because I’m afraid the next time I put on a swimsuit it will looking like my lower right leg was mauled by an animal in heat. I’ll spare you the “Wilma Flintstone eat your heart out” swollen foot and ankle, with deep purple bruising photos. And, finally yesterday, all of the emotion I’ve somehow managed to skip over in this pregnancy came crashing down on me and I’ve been in a funk ever since. Weeping and wallowing, sighing and crying - you name it if it involves a tear duct I’ve done it over the past two days. The bottom line: this too shall pass. I have had an AMAZING pregnancy and as I was told last week in my prenatal yoga class after declaring that the arm exercises we were doing were, “awful”, many women have it much worse. (Like the women in Tibet carrying loads of heavy rock up major hills so they can have roads.) Keep it in perspective shall we?