Thursday, January 31, 2008


Sofia started to grasp her alligator rattle today. She will place her fist next to the rattle and opens her fingers. She then slowly closes her fingers around the handle.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Laughing Out Loud

I feel really lucky to have caught this on camera. Sofia and I were having our normal morning chat - she was in a great mood. (I must have somehow managed to avoid all the foods not to be consumed when breastfeeding). She was smiling at everything I said. I grabbed the camera and she burst out laughing, of course this made me laugh, which made her laugh even get the picture. We sat for probably five minutes just laughing at each other. Beautiful.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Above Sofia's head is a mirror that she has just discovered. She noticed it one night a few days ago and now regularly checks it, no doubt wondering who is staring back at her.
Other updates include: She is kicking with great enthusiasm every morning when she wakes up and throughout the day when she is on her back. She will only tolerate a few minutes of "tummy time" and she has been holding her fists out in front of she's riding a Harley. As far as toys and playing goes, she has been smiling at her alligator rattle for over a week and she pays close attention when I show her the animals on the Eric Carle flashcards. I introduced her to plastic keys yesterday and I ordered her a lights and motion mobile along with a "play gym".

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sleepdate... opposed to playdate.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


It is amazing how much time has passed since my last post. So much has happened. I will try to spend some time updating, until then...a big thank you to Martin, Vicki, Tom and Sandy for this adorable outfit! I can't believe Sofia is into her 3 month clothes already.