A small pink bag with sequined ballet slippers on it adorns Sofia's shoulder at some point each day. This new fascination began when she started draping socks around her neck, then belts, then a pair of pants, then she found a set of carnival beads and it was all over. Now anytime Sofia sees a string of beads she points and whines until she has it around her neck. This quickly turned into her placing bag straps around her neck and now finally she puts them on her shoulder...until they fall off, then she puts them back around her neck. I was worried at first...um, a baby with anything around her neck just seems bad, but we watch her closely and so far no accidents. The cutest part is really seeing what she decides to place in her bag each day. She will take one or two things out and replace them with new things, today she took out a pair of socks and replaced them with an orange ping pong ball.