This is one of those images that will make me cry one day: my grandparents showing Sofia the ropes at Abma's farm. Just like they did with Aidan and Ross and just like they did with me.
The very first thing you do when you get to Abma's farm is feed the already to pudgy rabbits. You then trek up the hill to visit the fancy birds, goats, lamas ponies, piglets and chicks. When I was young the goats roamed free and Abma's didn't have the ponies or piglets. A mere year ago they had lamas, (and anyone close to us knows how Dan feels about the lamas). But, they too are now gone. These are minor changes to the big picture. For me, visiting Abma's still feels the same; Grandpa holds my arm and we laugh at how quickly those bunny rabbits pull the greens through their cage. We reminisce about the old, mean goat who attacked me and of course, we relive every step of Dan's lama run-in. There is a special place in my heart for this place, I'm so glad I can share it with Sofia.