I have a zillion things to do. Who doesn’t?
But, somewhere in my cerebral hemisphere the itsybitsy blog is droning away about how I haven’t paid enough attention to it lately, and how rapidly the center of my universe is changing, and because I’m busy I’m not documenting the priceless moments and happily-ever-after days, which are currently vanishing into the ether.
We have dinner guests coming over tomorrow and I’m in that crazed late night state, trying to do too much in too little time. This table needs to be cleaned. That pile of books needs to go downstairs. Change the hand towels in the guest bath. Fold the laundry. Water the plants. Despite vacuuming and mopping the floors today, they will need to be done again tomorrow. Ugh. I’m tired just thinking about my list.
My car….my car is still not fixed. My accident was May 12th. The other driver has accepted FULL liability. The other insurance company has reimbursed me for a portion of the out of pocket expenses. But, at the end of the day, my car just isn’t done. Which means another week of hassle.
I am also having a garage sale this Saturday. How is it that we keep having garage sales? I thought we had rid ourselves of all excess clutter after the LAST sale (which at the end of any given day would have left even a packrat exhausted from the mountainous scads of junk). Alas, here I am again with a garage full of “another man’s treasures”.
Enough venting! Life is very good. I feel fortunate for each day.
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia. With so much to do it’s amazing that I have zero guilt at dropping my entire list to spend time with you. You are almost 21 months, just 3 short months until you hit the big 2…and then I think we stop counting.
Your words entertain me and surprise me daily. Hea-vy. Ho-m. Bebe water? “Blu”. “One, two, tree”. “See you momo” (elmo- which you can say very well but choose not to). “Hi daddy”. “Hi mommy”. “Hi Maaaa” (Max). “Hi Mol-Mol” (Molly). “Oops”. “Ut Oh”. “Potty”. “Pee-pee” (after you have gone). “Boba” (because I drink way too much of it). And I’m sure there are 20 more, I just need to start writing them down!
Your expressions are priceless and I love watching you work through problems. You’ve mastered opening the cupboard, pulling out a cup, and pouring yourself a cup of water. You buckle yourself into your highchair. You can untie your shoes and loosen the laces to pull your shoes off. You can take off your own top (and do so every day no matter where we are). If you spill your water you point it out to me and then promptly clean it up. You can work my iphone better than most adults (and you can also call long distance and babble on about daddy to whoever answers). You like all kinds of foods, but love our minestrone soup, carrots, zucchini, brussels sprouts, pees, chicken apple sausage, and eggs with cheese.
Somehow remembering all of the things I love about you and all of the accomplishments you’ve managed this month makes my above list of things to do seem quite trivial. I think I will go to bed!