Dear Sofia,
It is hard to believe another year has passed and we are welcoming the year 2010.
We celebrated your two year birthday last month and you had a blast. 15 of your friends joined us at My Gym Children's Fitness Center where we enjoyed a class and then had pizza and cake. At the end of the night after watching everyone go home you seemed sad...it must have been confusing.
You make me laugh on a daily basis, you say the funniest things. I always think I will remember to blog about them...but I guess this isn't the case since my last post was over a month ago.
Here are some of the words we hear each day:
"I want to have it".
"Mommy go to park".
"Row, row, row, boat...merry, merry...DREAM"!
"Fia do it".
"I want eat". (Every morning as soon as soon as you wake up.)
You love your My Gym class, we are still going every Wednesday. The last two weeks you have really shown an interest in the hand-over-hand bars and the parallel bars. You are doing somersaults all by yourself and you can do each "practice skill" the instructors introduce. Today they assisted you with handstands.
You love many different kinds of foods, but your favorite right now is "PASTA". You also love Pizza and Okra. (I know...Okra? Who would've thought?) You really like cucumbers and salad and you have been eating broccoli the last two days too, you never liked it before. Peas and carrots were always our "go-to" vegetables but you just haven't been interested in them lately.
I can not tell you how much fun I have with you everyday and I'm more thankful than ever that we have this time together. I love playing with you and introducing you to new things, I love when you ask me if we can paint or draw, I love when we read and sing, I love fixing you new foods, I love going to the park...I love it all.
We have applied to preschool with the intention that you will attend at least part-time in the fall but it makes me sad that I won't have my co-pilot with me everyday. I'm not even sure how moms do it...what a tearful thought. I know that day will be one of the hardest I've had to endure, but I know we'll get through it together. On a happy note, we have nine whole months to play and learn together before anything happens.
I love you sweetheart.