The time goes by so fast. I can hardly believe Sofia is five weeks old. Over the past week or so Sofia has lost most of her hair and has developed 'baby acne' which resembles a rash that comes and goes. The pediatrician said it would go away on its own. Aidan was here this week and took a few pictures for us. This is one of them.
This week we've noticed that Sofia is smiling to interact with us. She even laughed once when Dan was making faces at her. In addition, she will hold our gaze and if we move, her gaze follows us. She has big blue eyes still, which the pediatrician commented might just stay. Sofia is using her legs a lot more; she kicks both legs out and then will alternate kicking each leg.
And lastly, I can now recognize her cries. The most furious ones are instigated by a wet diaper or impatience with me if I take too long to feed her.