Friday, Sofia will be 1 month old. This is both wonderful and sad to me. She is kicking her legs more now and is increasingly more "chatty". I see her holding my gaze for longer periods of time, and after a duel weigh in, she has gained back her birth weight plus three pounds. (Proudly I have lost 30 of the 50lbs I gained!) It makes me sad because the last four weeks have gone by so fast and I just don't want her to grow up. (Yet.) I want to soak in every expression she makes, every sound she utters and all of her movements - so that I won't forget how truly amazing this experience has been. I have enjoyed each day with her...more than I could have ever imagined. I don't mind the sleepless nights or when she cries, because the second she smiles or coos I forget how tired I am.

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