Sunday, March 30, 2008


After asking my dermatologist, and my pediatrician, about sunscreen for little Sofia, I received conflicting opinions. My dermatologist said, no sunscreen for babies less than 6 months; keep them covered. My pediatrician said, if you have to be in the sun, a small amount of sunscreen is better than no sunscreen.

After a bit of research based on recommendations from friends and their sources, various news reports, the Environmental Working Group’s Cosmetic Safety Database (EWG), my favorite baby sites, and of course the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), I found that if you are going to use sunscreen you should use one made only of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. These ingredients sit on top of the skin instead of soaking in. (Hence that white "glow" which stays behind after application.) In my opinion, the sunblocks listed below seem the least harmful.

Badger All Natural SPF 30 Sunblock
UV Natural Baby SPF30+ Broad Spectrum Sunscreen
California Baby SPF 30 Sunscreen

Commen Sense:
Many sources recommend that we keep our children in lightweight, long sleeved, pants and shirts while they are in the sun. They also recommend a large brimmed hat, see photo above. For what NOT to dress your baby in, see below.

Note: I also found this recommendation, “Be careful not to put lotion around baby’s eyes, and keep the lotion away from her hands, since they may end up in her mouth”. Gee, thanks. First of all, who wouldn’t keep the lotion away from their baby’s hands? Second, my baby puts everything in her mouth! (Again, see above.)

Ps. You won't find Sofia in a bikini this summer, she will be covered up!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Good Morning Sofia

Sofia wakes anywhere between 5:30am and 6:30am, I walk into her room and she greets me with a big smile. I scoop her up, change her diaper, and take her into our room where she lays between Dan and I for ten or fifteen minutes. She spends the time looking back and forth, Dan makes funny faces and Sofia gives a big smile or laughs. Eventually her fist goes into her mouth - and we know it's time for breakfast.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Just Like Class Pictures

There were a lot of moms at our meeting on Monday, it's always fun to meet new people.

Monday, March 17, 2008

What Mommies Do

Mommies are amazing people, but even MORE amazing are these little ones. Each thriving and at the very beginning of life; they are dealing with our ups and downs, hanging on our every word (or coo as the case may be), and at our beck and call… really, do they have a choice? And with all this power, what do we mommies do? We circle them up and photograph them because we realize that this may be one of the last times they are all actually in one place.

To Sofia's left is darling Evan, our long-time friend and playmate. You may recall Evan from our previous post "sleepdate" where we went to Pinkberry. On Sofia's right is Ben, he is a new friend and we hope to see him again.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Max is hoping his first car is this cool!

Furry Creature Curiosity

Over the last week Sofia has become very aware of our cat Corbu. Sofia will watch Corbu as she walks by and if we are on the sofa or bed, and Corbu jumps up to visit us, she immediately receives Sofia’s attention. Today as Sofia was studying her feet, Corbu walked by and startled her. As worried as Sofia looked, somehow I’m certain that Corbu’s anxiety was ten times greater.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Four Months

When will I stop saying, "I can't believe..."? I can't believe Sofia is going to be four months old on Friday. I still wish she would stay small, I still wish I could hear her newborn cry, I still wish she would fall asleep comfortably on my chest.

How can I possibly miss her when I spend everyday with her? Does this make ANY sense? Right now for example, I am down in our studio blogging. The baby monitor is on and Sofia is sleeping soundly in her room. YET, I am practically in tears thinking that she is just growing up too quickly. Right this very second, I am fighting the urge to run upstairs and pick her up. (I held her almost ALL day today because her teeth are bothering her.)

The picture is from today...just in case I don't get to take one on Friday.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Max is playing all-star soccer this year, (this is an invite only extension to the regular soccer season he completed in November). Somehow I dragged myself up before the crack of dawn and drove us down to Long Beach, (it was dark when we got up).
Max played really well; he had a great assist and also scored a goal. (He had a hat-trick last game!) And...check out this header!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Dear Sofia,
You are 14 weeks old and we’ve had a big week together. You rolled over twice on Thursday, we took you to a delicious dinner at Pepolino on Friday and on Saturday you discovered your toes. You continue to use your fingers to pick up your toys and one toy (the one with the red nose) makes you so excited you uncontrollably flail your legs and arms when we dangle it over your head. You enjoy playing on your playmat, the orange monkey is your favorite, and you have discovered the pinwheel.
As my official co-pilot, you and I have already experienced so much together. I am thankful for each moment with you. Not only have we visited New York and Colorado, but we have enjoyed art shows and galleries with papa, we’ve gone out for numerous lunches and dinners, we’ve taken yoga together at Yo Mama Yoga, we’ve walked to the beach, we have spent many wonderful afternoons with Jennifer & Evan and Jin Ah & Jonah, we’ve made new mom’s group friends, we’ve shopped, we’ve seen movies and of course we’ve cheered Max on while he played soccer and basketball. Those times have all been memorable but my most favorite thing to do is sit with you at home where we read your board books, look at the alphabet flash cards, experience tummy time, stare at the kitty cat, or sit quietly with one another until you fall asleep.
If the last three months are any indication of the future, we are in for the best time of our lives.

I love you,

New Toy

This is easy to grab and really easy to chew on...Thanks Jin Ah!