After asking my dermatologist, and my pediatrician, about sunscreen for little Sofia, I received conflicting opinions. My dermatologist said, no sunscreen for babies less than 6 months; keep them covered. My pediatrician said, if you have to be in the sun, a small amount of sunscreen is better than no sunscreen.
After a bit of research based on recommendations from friends and their sources, various news reports, the Environmental Working Group’s Cosmetic Safety Database (EWG), my favorite baby sites, and of course the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), I found that if you are going to use sunscreen you should use one made only of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. These ingredients sit on top of the skin instead of soaking in. (Hence that white "glow" which stays behind after application.) In my opinion, the sunblocks listed below seem the least harmful.
Badger All Natural SPF 30 Sunblock
UV Natural Baby SPF30+ Broad Spectrum Sunscreen
California Baby SPF 30 Sunscreen
Commen Sense:
Many sources recommend that we keep our children in lightweight, long sleeved, pants and shirts while they are in the sun. They also recommend a large brimmed hat, see photo above. For what NOT to dress your baby in, see below.
Note: I also found this recommendation, “Be careful not to put lotion around baby’s eyes, and keep the lotion away from her hands, since they may end up in her mouth”. Gee, thanks. First of all, who wouldn’t keep the lotion away from their baby’s hands? Second, my baby puts everything in her mouth! (Again, see above.)

Ps. You won't find Sofia in a bikini this summer, she will be covered up!
Hey Brandie! I love the swimsuit-but I am with you on the bikini--too much for such a young person! Not sure if you remember me, I am a friend of your mom's and you guys came over to my house in New Mexico to meet me...I had my Luke shortly before your Sofia, it's so funny because my sister had a Sydney at the same time you had Sofia and so because I always ask how Sofia is doing with your mom, half the time when I am talking to my sister I say Sofia lol! I love the pictures of Sofia, she is beautiful!! I too blog, nothing exciting though-but it's at http://melindaslifesnavigation.blogspot.com/
Anyhow, your mom said you are an at home mom now-congrats on the decision! I am too, I lurve it! It's so fun, I just joined a mom's group here in Tennessee and meet a lot of mom's there too, it's a lot of fun! Well see ya soon!
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Brandie- Sofia is so so so gorgeous! Congrats to you and Dan! (and i think that bikini is top drawer!)
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