Well, I can honestly say I've been thinking about becoming a brunette for YEARS. I've always chickened out and have gone with seemingly easier colors, (i.e. red - 2001 and platinum - 2004), along with the variety of blond tones I've come to know and love. Those of you who know me well know that I really do enjoy mixing up my look, so it should come as no surprise that after three months of trying to get Reva to do SOMETHING different, I finally convinced her to cut bangs...really short ones. (I had a picture to help her understand what I was aiming for.) The following day I had Diane do the color and she couldn't have been happier. "People rarely change their look", she told me and so "it's fun to do something totally different". Diane is the one who took me to platinum and I had little to no breakage (a very common problem when bleaching all of the color out of your hair!) so I consider Diane my hair hero. Reva is also my hair hero because no matter how many times I contradict myself, ("I would like to keep the length - but can you cut this all off"?) she still manages to achieve the exact effect I am looking for. Piero is the BEST hair salon ever.
Reva IS the best ever! I just went really dark last week, too. We're twins! :) Can't wait to see you... hope you have a fun trip, wherever this adventure is taking you.
I LOVE IT. It makes your eyes look incredible. I love hair color & paint...two ways to change something you like into something you LOVE!
See you next week!
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