So much has happened since my last post, I don't know where to begin. Every day Sofia surprises me with something new...this morning she demonstrated her ability to go from a laying down position to sitting up. I was just telling Jennifer on Thursday that Sofia hadn't shown any signs of knowing this skill, and then out of the blue it happened.
This past week she has said, "bye-bye" which sounds more like "buh-buh" and "all done" which sounds like "aaa dahn". She has also mastered "whooaaa". My most proud moment this week was when she used her sign language sign for "all done", this has happened three nights in a row. She can also sign, "milk".
The one other cute detail I will mention is that Sofia loves stuffed animals. She gives them a big hug and then kisses them. It is adorable.
This is all for now....Sofia calls.....
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