Since our visit to France, Sofia has fallen madly in love with...bread. Any and all kinds of bread. In France her favorite seemed to be the hard "biscuits" which were served with our pate, but here at home any old wheat bread will do. (Sofia has even taken a fancy to pizza crust. Her hands open and close wildly as if to say, "gimme, gimme, gimme".)

We walked the grounds of the chateau each day and explored the old church next door. One of the days we even ventured out to the cemetery. We relaxed in the kitchen and talked to Patty and Erin whilst they busily prepared our next meals. We would pop in on Dan and his crew to see how their designs were coming along, but for the most part we stayed out of their hair.

While Sofia took naps and I would walk to the garden to see if I could find new flowers blooming. I have been testing my floral photography skills for my mom who has found a love for painting flowers.

This was a very relaxing and peaceful trip, it was exactly as I had imagined.
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