At the doctor's office today you found a Barbie to help make your visit more manageable. Dr. Roberts was so sweet, first she examined Barbie's eyes, then yours, then she listened to Barbie's heart, then yours and finally she looked in Barbie's ears, and then yours. You were so still and patient for the entire appointment, Dr Roberts said you were the best 16 month old check up she had ever had. You cried when you were vaccinated, those needles hurt! and then you, Barbie and I went out to the front desk where you were urged to take Barbie with you because she needed a good home. By the time I had you buckled into your car seat you had torn the band-aids from your own legs and stuck them on Barbie. How could I have missed that Barbie had shots too and OF COURSE needed band-aids?!
Dear Sofia,
I took you in for your 15-month check up today, a few colds prevented us from going in earlier than now, but never fear you are on schedule and are fully vaccinated. You weigh 23lbs and are 31.5 inches tall. You are still in the 75th percentile for height and you’ve pulled your numbers for weight WAY up and are now in the 50th percentile. WAY TO GO!
Thankfully you really do like a variety of foods. Our routine for breakfast has been, a bowl of cereal, a piece of fruit, and then something warm like a few bites of eggs, pancakes or French toast with butter, not syrup. Speaking of syrup, I had an interesting conversation with Renee about sugar the other day. I believe that parents enable their children’s desire for sugar. For example, YOU LOVE your French toast and pancakes plain. If I were to put syrup on your French toast of course you would like that too, but is that the healthiest choice for you right now at the age 1 year 4 months? No. Would you like ice cream right now, of course, would you eat cookies…sure. I guess the bottom line is that I’m trying to give your taste buds a chance before you decide that foods have to have sugar on them to taste delicious. Our foods are already loaded with so much added sugar and high-fructose corn syrup that for me to give you “extra” seems like overload. I also have to say that being conscious of this for you has made me more conscious of food choices for myself. Thank you! You have a mid-morning snack consisting of yogurt or a cheese sandwich and then you have lunch around 12:00pm. For lunches and dinners you love carrots, peas, your dad’s meatloaf, chicken, turkey, and pasta with red sauce. You are drinking 8-10 ounces of milk everyday, along with water and sometimes apple juice.
Everyone always asks about your words. There are days when you come barreling into the bedroom with a fervent and insistent chatter which makes your dad and I laugh and there are other days when you seem much more observant and quiet. I love watching you think through a problem. I also love when you come bobbling over, grab my hand, and pull me to see or fix what you are working on. At this stage you like to stack blocks with me and you ask for help when you would like to straighten your dolly’s blanket so she can lay down, each day brings a new moment to cherish. I like being able to help you and as silly as this sounds, I like that you want my help. I know the day will come where it is the other way around. Until then and always after my sweet, little cherub, you have my undivided attention.
All done
Dit dat = Kitty cat
Maah = Max
Mol mol = Molly
Thank you
Where’d it…(always said with the gesture: open hands, palm facing up, elbows bent and tucked at sides)
Where’s dada?
Aaooooooooo (molly howling)
Ho ho ho (when asked what Santa Claus says)
You are doing so many new things it is hard to keep track of them all. I think Max is most impressed that you will turn the light on for him when he asks, and I love that you gladly pull a book off the shelf for us to read or throw your diaper away when I ask you to. You understand that we put shoes on to go outside and you are an excellent companion for morning walks with Molly. The little dog across the street will see us go for a walk and you will stop to wave at him. It goes without saying that you love catching people’s attention by waving hello, especially in the grocery store. As soon as people see you they say how beautiful you are (they instant remark on your eyes) and then they tell me you are the most friendly and social baby they’ve met.
You are just a dream, one that could go on forever. I love spending each day with you because you make me smile and you fill my heart.
With love,
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