Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Sofia

Today is Sofia's birthday.
We had a great day because we were able to see all of Sofia's friends at Audrey's birthday party. Audrey was dressed as the cutest 80's rock-star, complete with leg warmers. Another friend, Brenna, was the cutest little Madonna/Cyndi Lauper ever! Naturally I forgot all about the theme. So sad. After Sofia's nap, our friends Jennifer and Evan came over to play. We had dinner at Gladstones and played on the beach until our fingers were nearly frozen, yes, it was THAT cold!

After putting Sofia to bed I had a good, long, blubbering is both wonderful and sad to watch them grow.

Sofia is talking up a storm this week and is stringing more and more words together. Again, I'm not doing a very good job at writing them down, but some which I do remember are:

I tall
Watch me
Mommy, baby, park
Mol Mol itchy
Mommy help
I working
Daddy working
Happy baby to baby (singing "happy birthday to you")
I eat
Ho, Ho, Ho

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