Sunday, November 30, 2008

Le Artist

And so it begins!

Change is in the air...

...and represented here on a random window in Soho.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Little Italy

We wandered over to little Italy for Lombardi's pizza, which just so happens to be right across the street from Rice to Riches (my new favorite rice pudding place). Sofia enjoyed a few bites of pizza crust!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


A trip to NY would not be a trip to NY if we didn't go to Pastis at least once. This trip we went to Pastis and Balthazar, actually we went to Balthazar twice! The french onion soup is to dye for and the recipe can actually be found in the Balthazar cookbook. The key ingredient is a good port wine...oh, and lots and LOTS of Gruyere cheese!


Sofia takes in the view. Our room in SOHO looked to the Empire State building...which I still have yet to visit.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Say it ain't so....

The time is nearing when I will be able to stop counting Sofia’s birthday in months and will begin to use years. 1 year to be exact. This day is 29 hours and 15 minutes away. Again, I’m in tears. Where has this year gone? Why are the most special moments over so quickly? I would still go back to day one and would do it all over again. (Does anyone ever say they wouldn’t?)

Sofia, you are surrounded by so much love and adoration, I hope you will read this one day and know how many people you have made happy just by being born!

Some things haven’t changed; I’m still in awe by all you can do. This month has been a fun month because you have started standing on your own. You also will go from a sitting position to a standing one without holding onto anything at all. Other noteworthy accomplishments include: playing in your crib when you wake up, cleaning up your toys – sometimes, eating anything and everything I give you – with the exception of what you feed Molly, hugging all stuffed and live animals which come into your reach, hugging your playmates at mom’s group, playing, “catch me if you can” with Evan, waving goodnight to mommy when in dada’s arms…as if I am going to bed and you are not, saying ooowwwww (the beginning of owie or ouch) while holding your hand over your temple as if you’ve bumped your head, you can sort shapes, you turn the pages of your books very quickly, you still love the same three books I read to you when you were three months old, (The Hungry Caterpillar, Counting with Wayne Thiebaud Counting, and Peek-a-boo Puppy), you crawl after the cat hysterically laughing at her the whole time, you stand up using Molly for support and as she walks you walk with her, and you giggle non-stop when your dada tries to “eat your toes”.

I think I will be too distracted celebrating your one-year birthday with you to actually write on Friday but hopefully I will post pictures so everyone can feel like they are celebrating too. That said, I know I will be wearing black that day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Marilyn is one of the women who we call to baby-sit for us when we go out. Last week she taught Sofia how to say, "Sshhh", to Molly. Molly has a very loud, and often frightening, bark. Sofia sticks her finger in her mouth and blows air out, ostensibly making a “sshhh-like” sound. Yes, we are proud.

This picture was taken by Steven, Evan's dad, while we were all at Infusion Cafe, our favorite boba hangout. Sofia is sitting on Jennifer's lap.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Sofia took her first three steps all by herself today. We were watching the polls at Dan’s office. Perhaps it was all of the excitement at the promise that lies ahead, or maybe she is just developmentally ready, regardless, she said, “Yes I CAN”!